Saturday, June 23, 2012

Atlanta, GA

Our people... abandoned on the streets under night lights. The gentleman on the right has a walker propped against the door; the individual on the left has "something" to lay beneath their body. What's wrong with our society when we, the people, are okay walking past this on a nightly basis? What does picture reveal about our society-- about our government, communities, and families? We are constantly taught to seek help from others and when these individuals ask for help we shun them, we avoid them, we constantly say "No"... and most often we use non-verbal communication. Worst of all, in ignoring them we simply deny their humanity. How do we possibly have more of a claim to "humanity" than others who might be less fortunate right now?

What will it take for us to hear them? What will it take for us to respond-- in the affirmative? What will it take for us to treat them in ways that we all want to be treated?

Unheard voices…
in Atlanta…

He called out and tried to mention
i feigned to listen but didn’t pay enough attn
begged and pleaded
not even sure what he needed

in a dark corner he had carved out a space
reading a bible by street light couldn’t see his face
“Please, please, please…” his voice so clear
just asking for help his presence so near

and even though i went back
one time too many, i had already turned my back

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